Monday, May 6, 2013

Ode to NT2

Four pages of beautiful, thought-through elaboration on the New Testament. I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. Name: NT2, paper for school.
6 pages of notes for another class. Name: OT2.
OT2 managed to duplicate itself. It asked what I wanted to save it as. I said NT2.
Goodbye, four pages of beautiful, thought-through elaboration on the New Testament. You were replaced by 6 pages of notes for another class.No, you weren't turned in. No, no matter how long I worked on finding you, no matter how long I spent re-writing you, no matter how stupid I find my computer, you're gone. You fell into the deep abyss of my stupidity. Dark place, I know; I've been there myself several times.
I had an online teacher that, whenever he cut out, he'd come back saying, "Oh man, I just said an incredibly brilliant thing that would change your life, but I've forgotten it and you'll never know what it is." that's how I feel about my dear NT2. Even though I struggled with writing it and probably thought it was stupid while I did, now that it's gone it was brilliant and perfect and faultless and better than what I now have written in its stead.
One of my friends writes her assignments  by hand. I think I'll try her approach someday.

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